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Monday, October 30, 2006

2006 Townsend Reading Scholarship Contest

I recieved my first three books for the 2006 Townsend Reading Scholarship Contest. I just finished reading The Story of Blima: A Holocaust Survivor by Shirley Russak Wachtel, Blima's daughter. It was such an eye opener. Just to think that people could be so cruel, for lack of a better word, just because of your religion, or race, it sickens me. How can another human being declare that another group of human beings needs to be destroyed? Why? Where did they come up with this idea? When I finished reading the book today, I sat in silence for a moment, just thinking, of the millions of people that were killed. People who prior to their capture, were going about their daily lifes, just as I go about mine everyday. People who worked for a living, people who took care of their families, just as I do. I thought about the families that were torn apart, never to see eachother again. It's hard to believe something like this took place in the 20th century, not so long ago.


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