Honor Roll Student
Go me, Go me, Go me.
Focus + Willingness to Work = Success
I checked my grades online today and was excited to find out that I had a perfect grade point average for the fall semester. 12 credits down and about 50 to go before I transfer to either CMSU or K-State. I hope to have 42 credits before next fall and to reach that goal I plan to attend school during the summer and pick up an intersession class between spring and summer and another intersession class between summer and fall.
This past Tuesday I gave my final speech in class. I spoke for 1 minute and 17 seconds when I was supposed to speak at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I wasn't really nervous, but just wished that I had more than 30 minutes to prepare. My speech was about cell phone usage while driving, and the purpose of my speech was to persuade the audience not to "Talk and Drive." I was kind of dissappointed, but I looked on the bright side. I have been getting A's on the preveious major assignments, so I'm thinking I should still end my speech class with and A. Yesterday was the last day for that class, and tomorrow will be the last day for my computer class. No more school until January 2nd 2007 for me. I will take an intersession Mass Communication 112 class, then once the regular semester starts on January 17th, I will be taking History 120, Sociology 160 for the first 8 weeks of the semester, and then the second 8 weeks I will take English 102, and Political Science 135.o During the entire semester, I will be taking Math 110. That's 18 credits in one semester. Wow, hope I can pull it off.
My group got an A on our panel discussion about Immigration laws. I have no more to say on that, well, except that I thought we would get a much lower grade. I am sooo thankful. Next Thursday will be the last day for me. Next Tuesday half the class will have to give extemporaneous persuasive speeches. Each student will draw from a box three topic cards and from those cards choose one. Then each student will be given an article pertaining to that topic and will have 30 minutes to prepare a speech. After 30 minutes each student will have to deliver their speech to the class. The second half of the class will give their speeches on the last day of class. Then, the semester will be over, and I will have completed 12 credits. I am so proud of myself. I think I will end the semester with a 4.0 grade average. I'm looking forward to next semester, ready for the next challenge.