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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Finally, Back to College

Today I visited my college campus to take care of some paperwork. After all was said and done I found out I was eligible for a full pell grant. Not sure how much that will be, but the lady that helped me was excited for me. Hopefully it's enough to cover the cost of tuition and books this fall. I feel so good about going back to college. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. After having my daughter, then splitting with her father, I had to pick getting a job over attending classes. I then had my son and that delayed my college plans further. Thank goodness that I am finally able to persue my dream. Over the past couple of weeks I have been researching scholarships and grants. I have applied for quite a few scholarships through, not to mention other scholarship search sites. Among the scholarships I applied for were, Tylenol, OPLoftbed, StraightForward Media, and other's that required essays. Hopefully the time it took to apply for these scholarships pay off. When school starts I will be attending in the evenings, plus I have 1 class I will be taking on the weekend. I picked up a total of 12 credit hours. The way I set up my schedule, I will be taking a computer class which will be in session the full fall term, then I will have an English and Math class during the first 8 weeks, then for the second 8 weeks I will have a speech class. Basically I will be attending 3 classes during the first 8 weeks, then only 1 of those classes will carry over into the 2nd 8 weeks, during which I will pick up my 4th class. I will be able to handle it, I'm sure.

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