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Friday, July 21, 2006

A Future Dietician's Journey to Funding Her College Education

Just recently, I decided that I want to be a dietician. After struggling with my weight for the past 3 years or so, I finally decided in March of 2006 to finally get the weight off. I started exercising on a regular basis, but food journaling is what really did it for me. Through keeping a food journal, I found that I am an emotional eater. When I felt down and out, I looked to food for comfort. Even after losing almost 30 pounds, I still seek comfort in food, but not as much. I have learned to be more in control when it comes to my eating. Losing all this weight has inspired me to help other's who struggle with weight loss due to seeking comfort in food. I want to obtain the knowledge I need to educate other's on how to eat more healthy to prevent disease and to live longer. As an African-American, I know that diabetes and high blood pressure affect us at a higher rate than any other race. After my own research, I found that improving our diets, and shedding pounds can greatly decrease our risks. This may sound wierd, but I don't cook, on a regular basis, what my mom cooked as I was growing up. When she cooked pinto beans, greens, or cabbage, she would throw in a ham hock. And of course meals like this need cornbread to go along with it, plus fried chicken. I can't speak for everybody else, but that's pretty much what I ate growing up. When I finally was able to get out on my own, I had no ldea how to cook any of that stuff. I ended up falling in love with my daughter's father, who is from Guyana, and he taught me a few things about cooking, thank goodness! Anyway, Im glad that I don't eat all that fattening stuff anymore, well except for the holidays. But getting back to my point, I really want to become a dietician, and I have got the focus, and the willingness to work to reach my goal. I'm not gonna let lack of finance stop me. I know there are programs out there that can help me reach my goal, so that when it is all said and done, I will be a true asset to my community.

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